IFR Additives are impregnated into the fabric and polyethylene prior to printing and injection molding. No harsh chemicals are applied affecting the integrity of the foliage. It will not rub or wash off, or leave a filmy residue.
Our Firesafe® Foliage is recognized by ASTM-84 Standards with a Class A Rating against flame and smoke spread. Test results show flame spread index of 5. Standard flame spread must be at least 25 or below to achieve Class A Rating.
Autograph has sold thousands and thousands of Inherent Fire Retardant plants since the early 1980's to various dealers worldwide. We are the industry's first manufacturer of Inherent Fire Retardant Foliage.
Autograph offers a LIFETIME PROTECTION on our IFR foliage line.
Autograph offers a LIFETIME PROTECTION on our IFR foliage line. Autograph's Inherent Fire Retardant Foliage will not wash off, dissipate, drip, or leave a messy and oily film (as topical applications can. Autograph's IFR plants meet all the National Fire Prevention Association 701 test, plus the ASTM E84-95 Standard Test Methods for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
Autograph's FireSafe Foliage will remain Inherently Fire Retardant for the life of the plant.
Ilustration of Foliage Subject to Flame Ignition & Smoke Development During Testing.
Comparing Regular Foliage vs. Inherent Fire Retardant Foliage

Flame applied to fabric leaf with steady ignition

Flame removed, no self ignition

Flame self extinguishes, no secondary ignition

Flame applied to fabric leaf with steady ignition

Flame removed resulting in increased ignition and flame spread

Continue burning and self ignition
Autograph's IFR plants and tree line has passed the following fire tests and/or certifications. Upon request, we can provide the following documentation along with your purchase of any of our IFR foliage.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Committee E-5 on Fire Standards Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (ANSI 2.5, NFPA 255, UBC 42-1, UL 723). Test performed on Artificial Foliage with passing scores (Class 1 or Class A) for flame spread and smoke indexes.
Method for Classification of the Surface Spread of Flame of Products. Test performed on Artificial Foliage with passing scores (Class 0). Class 0 is the highest national product performance classification for lining materials.
Method for Classification of the Surface Spread of Flame of Products. Test performed on Artificial Foliage with passing scores (Class 1 or Class A). -
Small Scale Test (NFPA 701)Â IFR Fabric Foliage. Test performed on Artificial Foliage with passing scores.
Registered Flame Resistant Product Identified in Section 13115. Test performed on Artificial Foliage with passing scores.
Registered Flame Resistant Product Identified in Section 13115. Test performed on Artificial Foliage with passing scores.
Analysis of Pyrolysis and Combustion Gases. Evaluation of Toxic Fumes Generated from Material Sample During Burning Samples of Artificial Foliage passed:Â The above analytical toxic fume results generated from the sample were below the IDLH Value of the listed gases (the concentration of the gas in the atmosphere which for an exposure time of 30 minutes is immediately Dangerous to Life or Health) in the NIOSH Guide.
In the 1970'2 Disney approached Autograph's founder, Alvis Barrier, P.E., to develop artificial plants and tress for the construction of Disney's Epcot. Since then, Autograph has developed a realistic and natural looking line of (Inherent Fire Retardant) artificial Trees, Plant, Grasses, and Florals. Specified by Architecs, Commercial and Professional Plantscape Contractors, Fire Marshals, the Federal Government (GSA) and Building Safety Managers, Autograph's IFR sstandards are used internationally.
- Government Office Buildings
- Public Buildings
- VA Medical Centers
- Military Bases
- Airports
- Schools and Universities
- Commercial Offices
- Residential Living Complexes
- Large indoor Sport Facilities
- Cruise Ships
- Shopping Malls
- and more...


Silk plants are made from either of the following:
- Polyester Pongee – Lightweight approx. 2 oz.
- Steel, Wire, Tubes and Rods
- Plastics (Polyethylene)
- PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride – Inherently Fire Resistant plastic
- Colorants, Latex and Various Urethane Coatings
Indoor Silk plants and trees can be rendered fire retardant by:
- Surface Application by Spraying or Dipping. Not recommended. This is a temporary application that will eventually wash off and dissipate.
- FR Additives are included in the manufacturing process. Best Option with the most benefits.
Both Fabric and Plastic Components are either Inherently or Independently Molded or Manufactured with Fire Retardant Materials. Who enforces the Fire Retardant codes? For decades, millions of fires occur across the country and are responsible for thousands of deaths. Some caused by spread of combustible materials. As a result, strict building code requirements were put in place to reduce damages and loss of lives. State and local fire officials across the country enforce their own fire codes. Before ordering silk plants for commercial use, check the building codes requirements for any regulations on the use of artificials. Using fire retardant silks will help prevent potentially costly mistakes later. It’s better to be safe than sorry! -
Fire codes and regulations vary nationally and internationally. Our IFR product will pass all tests. However it is important to research fire codes and collect testing data from area of where the foliage will be installed. Fire officials will ask for this testing at the time of installation. So do your research and don't make the mistake of installing non-flame retardant product if your project mandates fire retardant materials.
The alternative sprayed or dipped fire treatment is only for temporary use but price is still higher than regular silk foliage. So its not a very cost effective solution compared to IFR products. Surface treatments of foliage can also change the appearance showing a flaky or dusty film, texture, and feel of materials.