Polyblend® Outdoor Warranty
Autograph Foliages offers 5 Year Limited Warranty on Polyblend® foliage against color fading. Color fading can be determined under the sole discretion of Autograph Foliages. (3 Year for FL and AZ states).
Inherent Fire Retardant Warranty
Autograph Foliages offers 100% Lifetime Warranty on our Inherently Fire Retardant Foliage. This warranty ensures that our foliage will not lose its IFR potency and is backed with Autograph's certifications and testing. This warranty is only for Inherent Fire Retardant materials and does not include topical treatments (ie spray or dipped applications).
Signature Custom-Made Trees
All custom-made artificial plants and trees were manufactured according to the specifications of Autograph Designs. Autograph warranties custom-made items will be manufactured in accordance to the standards of the industry to be free of defects.